Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Project proposal

Project Proposal

Title of the Project:

Student Admission System

Background and Justification:

Today In Sri Lankan Schools, all the work at the time of admission of the students is done manually by ink and paper, which is very slow and consuming much efforts and time. It is required to Design of a Computerized Automated Student Admission System, to speed up and make it easy to use system.

Target Group:

Non Academic and Academic Staff of the college

Aims and objectives:

     Eliminate paper work.  Efficiently manage the student academic and personal details.  Issuing leaving certificate

Software category:

Information System


CD based


Admission Register:
It is a record of all the pupils who arc admitted to a school. According to departmental rules, the admission register is to be preserved permanently in the school. Therefore, it is essential that it should be got specially bound and kept in safe custody. It is to be free from mistakes because this register is at times required by superior authorities in a court of law as an evidence for the date of birth of the pupils. The admission register should contain the following items.

    (i) The serial number and name of the pupil. (ii) His father's name, caste, occupation and address. (iii) His date of birth. (iv) Date of admission to the school, (v) The class to which he is admitted. (vi) Dale of withdrawal or migration from the school.

Time Line

Year: 2013 Activity July Aug Sep Oct Nov 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month Selecting a tropic Creating Project Proposal Proposition Demonstration Planning Designing Collecting Data Writing project report Computerizing Review Proposed Completion Date

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